Nutritious And Delicious Fresh Pumpkin Recipes
By Ines Flores Many varieties of pumpkins are grown all over the world and they come in all sorts of colors, sizes and shapes. Some are better for use in the making of certain dishes than others, depending on their size, texture, water content and flavor. Fresh pumpkin recipes will often state which type should be used in the making of the dish. Pies, for example, are usually made using a smaller, sweeter, more refined variety whilst soups and stews may require a denser variety. Cultures worldwide have grown and eaten pumpkins for centuries. The old fashioned heirloom varieties date back generations and still have many fans, despite all the new varieties available. As they formed part of the diet of so many cultures, all kinds of dishes using pumpkins are available from those with Mexican flavors to those using Indian spices. When choosing pumpkins, make sure that it is firm, color is consistent and there are no soft spots. Turn it over and apply pressure with thumbs to chec...