Why We Should Stop Eating Fast Food?
I think it is much easier to convince someone to give up fast food if they can see their blood plasma picture taken after a meal at McDonald's or Burger King. It's not the most beautiful picture you will ever see; rather it looks something like a thick cloudy sky. That's because these foods are rich in saturated fat and sodium. They are full of white bread and fast carbohydrates with nearly no nutrients in them. A meal of fast food is just like you consume a lot of empty calories like in the liquor or alcohol drinks.
The feel after a big meal of fast food is that you would either feel suffocated, or suddenly tired and wanting to take a nap, right? That's how I felt when I was still eating the fast food. The fat drags you down and makes you feel somewhat lazy and clumsy.
Many people might ask, if not these fast foods then what? The answer is easy. You can start cooking your own food. Healthy cooking is easier than you would imagine especially now that we have all the tools and the technology to make the once-a-hard work a piece of cake. You can combine healthy cooking with some fresh raw foods.
The benefits from eating healthy are endless. You will have more energy, less need for sleep, more stamina, younger-looking skin, and more appealing appearance in general. These are just the obvious points from eating healthy.
Including some raw foods into your diet doesn't mean that you're never eating any hot food again. It only means that hot food that you will get to eat has more of the raw vegetables and fruits that are still full of nutrients in.
Cooking food to retain their nutrients mean you have to control the temperature of the cooking process to not have to go over 118 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature rises over that point, the enzymes in the foods will start to break down. And we need to enzymes to ease the digestion in our stomach.
This often happens when you eat fast foods, as not only do these foods lack in nutrients, they are usually overcooked making it more difficult for our bodies to digest the foods or break them down. Eventually, eating fast foods on regular basis will force your body organs to overwork and become exhausted. That's why fast foods are among the main reasons for degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Evidently, there is no need for me to say more why we should avoid eating fast foods and start cooking healthy foods ourselves.
The feel after a big meal of fast food is that you would either feel suffocated, or suddenly tired and wanting to take a nap, right? That's how I felt when I was still eating the fast food. The fat drags you down and makes you feel somewhat lazy and clumsy.
Many people might ask, if not these fast foods then what? The answer is easy. You can start cooking your own food. Healthy cooking is easier than you would imagine especially now that we have all the tools and the technology to make the once-a-hard work a piece of cake. You can combine healthy cooking with some fresh raw foods.
The benefits from eating healthy are endless. You will have more energy, less need for sleep, more stamina, younger-looking skin, and more appealing appearance in general. These are just the obvious points from eating healthy.
Including some raw foods into your diet doesn't mean that you're never eating any hot food again. It only means that hot food that you will get to eat has more of the raw vegetables and fruits that are still full of nutrients in.
Cooking food to retain their nutrients mean you have to control the temperature of the cooking process to not have to go over 118 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature rises over that point, the enzymes in the foods will start to break down. And we need to enzymes to ease the digestion in our stomach.
This often happens when you eat fast foods, as not only do these foods lack in nutrients, they are usually overcooked making it more difficult for our bodies to digest the foods or break them down. Eventually, eating fast foods on regular basis will force your body organs to overwork and become exhausted. That's why fast foods are among the main reasons for degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Evidently, there is no need for me to say more why we should avoid eating fast foods and start cooking healthy foods ourselves.
Kiara Sorenson is a regular blogger for Learnfromthechefs.com where she reveals many healthy and tasty recipes. She has also provided many unbiased reviews on cookware like Orgreenic, and Pasta Boat. Check out the blog to learn the healthy recipes today.
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