Pork damage to human health

(((Harmful effects of eating pork from a health point of view)))

- Helps incidence of cancers and arthritis and atherosclerosis ..- Flesh contains the largest amount of uric acid among other creatures on the planet ..- It is the only animal that moves on the way to man armed tapeworm eggs (which is the only known worm) .. Starting with their rights and subjected to the many problems and harms health ..

Because of the nature of the dirty and the pig nature of food intake ..He eats meat and litter and roots in the dirt and so on ..He is exposed to many diseases including parasites of all kinds ..

Like ..Flatworms .. Worms noodles.Screw worms .. Roundworms .. etc. ..And disease Altreginaa and .. Etc.

- That pork fat contains very large amounts accumulate in some places and distributed in the folds of flesh and between cells, making it difficult to get the meat fat-free ..While eating pork fat of the most important reasons constitute gall stones and clogged canals, atherosclerosis and kidney disease ..- With the knowledge that cholesterol is too high in Dhunh and this is what helps to increase the incidence of atherosclerosis ..- It contains a high percentage of CR candy mucous helps incidence of rheumatic diseases and due to deposition of the material in the bones, joints and cartilage ..- It contains a high percentage of growth hormones and cholesterol ..And benzopyrene carcinogenic material that would qualify to cancer ..

This is in addition to that it is still unfolding so far harms of new eating pork ..

((((Is no doubt the greatness of divine wisdom forbidden to eat it)))


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