Tips In Finding The Best Sushi In The Bronx

By Bonnie Contreras

Some oriental dishes, like sushi and sashimi, are becoming quite popular in the West, particularly here in the eastern seaboard. However, not all of these dishes are made the same and you may be hard put to decide which is the best sushi in the Bronx at the moment. This article shows some criteria and tips in looking for that best Japanese food for you

Sushi and sashimi are dishes that use raw fish. That is, it is uncooked and at most times even untreated. The most cleaning it will go through is a quick run and rub through some sparkling clean water and maybe rubbed with very minimal salt before it is served. Freshness thus becomes an issue, for the less fresh the fish used, the bigger the chance of a health risk for you.

How you would determine the freshness of the fish is quite easy. First look at the color and see if it is light pink to whitish pink. Then smell it. If it smells a bit off then it is probably not for you. The last way to test for freshness is to feel the surface with your finger. If it is a bit slippery and slimy then it is not probably fresh.

In your search for the best sushi, price should also be a factor. Most outlets and restaurants price Japanese food way out of the reach of the ordinary individual who may want to taste this kind of food. Do look for an establishment that gives reasonable prices.

The authenticity of what you are eating and from where should also be considered. Definitely you would feel you are eating genuine Japanese food if the place you are at or buying from is owned and run by a Japanese owner. Try to find out who runs and owns the place you plan to eat at. This is fairly simply done, you can just straight out ask at the place itself who owns it, or maybe ask one of the patrons of the restaurant.

Another way to gauge authenticity of the place is to take a quick look at the clientele. If it has a fair amount of Oriental clients, which is of the Japanese and Korean persuasions, then the place may actually be serving food that is really close to their hearts. This would therefore mean your dish or whatever you choose on the menu will be close to genuine as it can be.

Customer service is also something that you should gauge by observation. Some people do complain that the main problem with some Asian restaurants is lack of manners or ability to communicate. This is because deep cultural barriers can still exist to this day. Look for a place where this will not be a problem.

Thus this article has covered some of the basics for criteria of best sushi in the Bronx. Definitely there are other ways of finding out which are the best out there, such as looking over some online reviews and the like. However, these criteria should give you an extra edge in making your own decision. So go on out there and start reviewing those Japanese restaurants!

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