Eyes & How They Might Benefit From Olive Oil

By Katie Arden

When it comes to eye health, it's clear that certain steps can be taken in the right direction. These include - but are not limited to - protection against the Sun and the proper diet composed of copious different fruits and veggies. Even though methods like these can prove to be helpful, what about the usage of olive oil as it relates to the strength of one's eyes? While you might not have associated these ideas in tandem, there's more truth to said tandem than you might have realized.

The Olive Oil Times put up a story that talked about how lutein, as it relates to the oil in question, can actually come into play in ways very few would realize. Lutein is seen as a type of carotenoid or, in other words, an antioxidant not unlike the ones that items like produce and green tea have. If you'd like to talk about the specific products where one can find lutein, leafy greens along the lines of spinach are hard to overlook. As useful as this carotenoid is, though, there is a certain role in the body it can play.

Lutein, as the report detailed, has been a proven components to help reduce macular degeneration in humans. Keep in mind that lutein is able to protect one's retinas and, by proxy, slows down any kind of aging with the eyes seen over the course of time. To put it simply, the eyes are protected for longer periods of time. Even though olive oil may not exactly play into this, on it own, there is a bit of science that deserves to be looked into by those who are enthusiasts of said oil.

A team of individuals located within the University of Jan took it upon themselves to take the lutein associated with seaweed before bringing into olive oil. Before anything else, I'm glad to see that natural composition - a key point supported by companies the likes of Unaprol - wasn't exactly sacrificed. In fact, it's worth noting that neither the oil's taste or appearance was changed because of said integration. In order for this to have been seen, though, the researchers needed a year and a half to make it happen.

I am of the opinion that a method like this has a tremendous amount of potential. After all, eye health can be maintained through certain methods and the possible integration of this type oil only helps to make options that much more extensive. Lutein, as a component, has seemingly proven its worth as it was able to come into play with this oil without changing any of is primary components. All it did was add something else as far as overall health is concerned.

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