What Is Different About Small Batch Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
By Marci Nielsen The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are talked about a lot these days. The people of the region live longer, healthier lives than lots of us & doctors put it down to their food. Their diet is rich in seafood, vegetables and olive oil all of which contain healthy fats and fatty acids which prevent heart disease and protect the brain. Unfortunately all oils are not created equal and it is worth the money to buy the more expensive small batch extra virgin olive oil . There are several types of olive oil. They range from first press extra virgin which is the best quality down to light olive oil which is refined. Basically the less processing the better. Refinement removes lots of the beneficial nutrients and with them, the flavor. Large scale production is a different matter. Harvesting is done by machines which often group the fruit together and fail to remove rotten ones. Once in the factory the oil is extracted by crushing using steel blades instead of ...