Significance Of Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Marci Nielsen

At low temperatures, olives are mechanically pressed to give pure olive oil. It is laden with polyphenols, monounsaturated fatty-acid and antioxidants. You will benefit a lot from using the cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.

It has fatty-acids which have the ability to reduce the chances of getting heart disease or even stroke. Many people use cooking oils laden with bad cholesterol. If not excreted, this can have life-long impact on the health of the individual. Atherosclerosis is a common condition in such a case. Individuals who suffer from this can easily die.

The fatty acids also increase the level of HDL. When the HDL is high, it reduces the tendency of bad cholesterol from accumulating in the vessel. This is achieved through increased transportation of LDL to your liver from where it is excreted from. The oil can also regulate the blood pressure. This is because of the high concentration of polyphenols. In fact, people who are on antihypertensive medication can reduce the dosage if they are taking olive oil.

A number of cancers can be prevented by using olive oil. They are breast, prostate and colon cancer. In addition, cancers affecting the digestive tract can be prevented. The carcinogens are killed by the constituents of the oil. Cancer has been on the rise and the situation is even dire because attempts to tame the disease are failing. Many patients could be saved by using olive oil. This is such a small price to pay considering the expenses of treating cancer not to mention the pain.

The oil is able to remove bacteria from the body. Polyphenols can effectively eliminate H. Pylori. This bacterium is the leading cause of gastric cancers and stomach ulcers. However, you should not rely on olive oil alone to cure the condition. The research studies touching on this are inconclusive and researchers are still trying to find out more concerning the same.

The oil can be put into various uses. The most common use of olive oil is in cooking. It is the best substitute in recipes which require the use of butter. Butter has high amounts of unwanted fat and its usage should be limited to avoid heart problems. Also, it can be used as moisturizer on the whole body.

Frizzy hair could be annoying. However, you do not have to worry about this if you have olive oil. A little amount applied on the hair followed by thorough combing will fix the situation for you. For those suffering from coughing episodes or sore throat, one spoonful of the product is a sure remedy. Cuticles which are hard to remove can be easily softened using the product. Apart from this, it makes the nails look wonderful.

Streaks on pans or tarnished appearances could be eliminated by using the product when scrubbing dishes. It makes them regain the original outlook. Chapped lips common during the cold weather can also be moistened by applying olive oil. It has a soothing effect on hands especially when the temperatures are low. Using it when bathing will give instant results.

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