Stop Smoking Juice And Other Easy And Proven Ways To Stop The Habit

By Harriett Crosby

Smoking cigarettes kills. That is the information that has been available from time immemorial. Understandably, many cigarette smokers never want to hear this. The truth must however be faced. The habit of inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke or a drug is the number one cause of premature deaths in the world. Luckily, if you are looking to quit, advancement in science has made it simple by for instance using the infamous stop smoking juice.

Smokers who wish to quit need to first admit to themselves that inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke or a drug is a problem in their life. This admission will rouse a strong desire to quit. With this admission should come the realization that quitting smoking is not that easy. It is usually a battle that you must be committed to winning. The best weapon to lounge against it is to have several quitting methodologies.

Experts in the stop-smoking-industry propose a few methods that you can use to kick the habit. Some advocate for the use of nicotine patches while others advise to replace the actual cigarettes with e-cigs. Mind specialists have also weighed in on the topic and come up with hypnotism as a strategy for quitting. There are those who advocate for certain diets too. The best thing is to try all the different methodologies till you find one that will work for you.

When you identify the method which should work for you, you need to come up with a strategic plan that details your quitting process. The plan you make should principally state a date that you intend to start quitting and workable steps that you will go through. Setting a date in the future gives you room to psychologically prepare yourself.

Include what you think are triggers in your quit strategy. To a lot of smokers the triggers include certain emotional states like being lonely, sad or terrified. Identifying the triggers helps you to make prior plans on how you will deal with them once they strike. Other uncommon triggers include the end of a meal, smoking buddies and drinking alcohol. Set a strategy of how you will deal with all of them.

As you plan your stop smoking strategy, you should also anticipate the challenges you will encounter once you stop inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke or a drug and propose ways to deal with them. The main challenge will be withdrawal symptoms, which will surely set is as soon as you end smoking. Additionally, you will need to have a plan that will ensure you don't divulge towards obesity once you quit.

Very typical or characteristically, withdrawal symptoms will be the biggest challenge you will face. The symptoms will be characterized by feelings such as insomnia, irritability, restlessness, coughing among others. These feelings are however short-lived and will go away as soon as you get used to staying without your dose of nicotine.

From time to time, you will also get cravings to smoke. If you are already using the stop smoking juice, this will not be so much of a worry. The cravings can however skyrocket beyond control if you do not have something to take the place of the nicotine.

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